February 2, 2011

2011 Project list updated

I think I will post at the beginning of each month what we checked off our 2011 project list. So since it is now February (how did that happen?!?!) here is what we accomplished in January:

1. Turn coat closet into a pantry 1/2011
2. Repaint kitchen
3. Paint living room This is 3/4 done, just to figure out what color to paint the giant wall!
4. Tile kitchen back splash
5. Install new mailbox and post
6. Fix floodlights on the garage
7. Have a yard sale to get rid of unnecessary junk
8. Get guest bathroom shower functioning
9. Repair the shed
10. Hang the mantle
11. Paint the fireplace
12. Install chair rail in dinging room
13. Repaint master bedroom
14. Install crown molding in master bedroom
15. Have family room walls repaired (I'll tell that awesome story sometime) 1/2011
16. Possibly have family room reinsulated-it is insanely cold in the winter While we were having the family room walls repaired we learned that our walls are made of concrete blocks, so there goes my dreams of having it insulated =/
17. Have outlets in kitchen rewired (we can't use both without blowing the fuse)
18. Fix 3-way switches (we have 4 sets of them in our house and NONE of them work properly, talk about annoying)
19. Refinish table from Salvation Army
20. Refinish table given to me from my Grandmother

So we managed to knock off 2 (3?) of the 20 listed so far...not too terribly bad.  This month I am hoping to finish painting the living room, paint the fireplace and maybe install chair rail in the dining room!  We shall see how it goes =]

February 1, 2011

The walls are done!

The drywall guy finished our walls last Friday! Once he was done we were left to do the priming and painting.  I think I washed the walls about 3 times and the drywall dust was STILL there in some spots! I finally decided it was good enough and called it a day.  Sunday we spent most of the day applying a coat of primer and two coats of delicious chocolate brown paint.  I wasn't about to paint the entire room unless I absolutely had too.  It is one giant room.  So we painted just beyond the edges of where the walls were patched hoping it would blend in well.  It doesn't look as good as I hoped, but I didn't think it looked so bad that we needed to do the whole room.  I think once we move all the furniture in and hang up pictures and shelves and whatnot it won't be as noticeable.

Here is a sneak peak at the new rug we bought this weekend! (I have waited 10 months to find the perfect rug that wasn't 9 billion dollars):
Isn't it fab? I sure think so.  We picked it up at Lowe's for around $200 (I don't remember how much it was and I cannot find it on the website!)

Pictures coming soon of the completed room!