January 24, 2011

My walls crack me up...

That's a lie, they crack themselves up.  See?
See that lovely crack there? Imagine that traveling all across the ceiling and down the other wall.  And add the wall under the window doing the same thing.  It's awesome.  Not.  When we purchased the house that part looked just like someone had done a bad patch job, but not cracked at all.  Which is why we went ahead and painted.  Then it cracked and traveled all the way across the room.  We have a guy starting tomorrow to fix them and I could not be more excited! I'll post before and after photos of all the walls/ceiling.  Once he is done I can FINALLY hang up my floating shelves. 

Also, we finally painted the living room.  Well 3/4 of it anyway.  I cannot decide on a color for the giant, first thing you see when you walk into the house wall.  The kitchen is dark gray, the kitchen is cream and red...I am lost on what color to paint it.

Now I'm off to make my house presentable before the repair man comes tomorrow!

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